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 Membership Fee

Membership for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! 

The fee to join the Franklin Elementary Parent Faculty Association (PFA) is $40 per student, capped at 3 students. Field trips are included in the fee. Breakfast Buddies and other activities will be charged for separately and families of 5th grade students will be charged for the picnic in June.  All students at Franklin Elementary benefit from the funds and events of the PFA, so we encourage all families to contribute. 

All families of students enrolled at Franklin Elementary are asked to become members of the PFA. Members have access to the online student directory, access to After School Programs and Breakfast Buddies, voting privileges at meetings and the opportunity to chair committees. 

The PFA funds, subsidizes, or provides volunteer coordination for many activities and events at Franklin.

Here are just a few that occurred during the 2024-2025 school year. For a complete list, click here.

*5th Grade Picnic & T-shirts

The PFA purchased shirts for the 5th graders, as well as planned and partially funded the cost of the 5th grade picnic held in June at Blueberry Hill Park.

*Elementary Night Football Game

Pom Poms and tattoos were bought for students to cheer on the NA Tigers Football team in September! 

*Field Day 

Much-needed supplies are purchased annually. The PFA also pays for a cool treat during Field Day.

*Playground Toys 

The PFA was happy to purchase new recess equipment.

*Room Parties

The PFA organizes and pays for class parties. 

Important Note: Families with financial hardship, please contact either Mr. Anderchak or the PFA  This information will be held strictly confidential.